13 May 2007
Went to catch a movie on marking day the 11th of May. Watch spiderman 3 with dear, venessa, colin and ryan. Btw, its quite a nice show, if u haven't watch it, pls go and watch. Oh, and last week, the Sermon of the Mount series has just started. Pastor Kong preached a powerful message. WOW! its awesome man. The Sermon of the Mount series is the most powerful and important message dat the LORD has preaced to his disciples and people. Okay, back to the day. Hmm, after the movie(fast forward), we went to Steven's house for cell group. Learnt that we have to be passionate for GOD. Hmm, then we went to chalet and meet all my other friends.
On sat, went out with my darling to bugis village to get a bag. Met dear's sister and cousin. Kena suan-.- learnt not to suan others. Ah, then went to look for venessa and i got to go to church for my main service. Had to book seats. Eugene was not really happy with the rest of the youth as they came late. Anyways, service was fantastic. We learnt bout MEEKNESS. Do not retaliate as a person who is meek always has an absence of the soul of retaliation. Have self-control and other stuff. Wanna know more can find me in school during the morning, recess or after school.
Today, which is a sunday, i went for the morning service as i wanna get the message Pastor Kong is preaching. Learnt that we must be hungry for the spirit. What we have now is still not very satisfying, we have to hunger for more, in this way, we can grow stronger. spiritually and physically. And we will move on to another level. After service, me, dear and venessa went to tampines. Made dear sad and dear, im really sorry. Sent dear home and i went home. Passed my mum her mother's day present and passed dear's present too. My mum said thank you. Hahas.
pour it all; {5/13/2007 04:31:00 PM}
04 May 2007
yeah man, exams are going to be over soon^^ married dear in maple le. yippie! then we went fishing, hahas. hmm, school ended dis few days quite early as there were exams, then i go home super sian. oh and tommorow my city harvest is starting sermon on the mount. praise the lord!
pour it all; {5/04/2007 05:44:00 PM}